Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So after our visit to the doctor, I win! Devon's not quite ready for cereal yet, maybe next month and we're going to get her a Bumbo style seat, though she doesn't need it quite yet. Doc said the seat is fine; there was apparently a recall on them at one time just because it was missing a label reminding people to not leave it on high surfaces, unsupervised (ala, McDonald's coffee being HOT), hehe. So now the research on high chairs begins...

In addition, we have a trip coming up in October where we'll be staying in a hotel for the weekend. I had originally thought that we should buy a pack and play to take with us so she can sleep in it, but now I'm debating whether or not that would be too cumbersome, along with all the other gear, for us to take on a plane trip. I'd just like her to have her own place to sleep without having to use a hotel crib (though I guess that's an option) and we may have one night at a friend's house where we'd need something.

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